Over the last several years I've been dealing with various stages of disability thanks to ALS.
On this journey I have encountered a great number of situations,devices and services which were all intended to help me, but with varying degrees of success. Consequently I've done a lot of exploration and problem solving on my own. by doing so I discovered a number of solutions to which my counselor at the Montréal Neuro tells me is "outside the box". Thus, at her behest I created this blog.
My goal is to share solutions and review various products/tools/devices that I have found particularly helpful.
About this Blog
Inspiration for this page is derived from http://lifehacker.com/ which I find the a great place to pick up all sorts of (often geeky) tips and tricks for various tasks you may encounter with your life and technology.
Nearly all the content you will find on this page has been created using accessibility tools. For example nearly all the text was authored using some form of voice to text software. At the moment I'm using DragonDictate (which I will be writing about).
Nearly all the content you will find on this page has been created using accessibility tools. For example nearly all the text was authored using some form of voice to text software. At the moment I'm using DragonDictate (which I will be writing about).
Why Capt. Pike as an Alias?
Being a little leery of posting too much personal information on the Internet, being a
little geeky at heart and watch and keep a bit of anonymity for the time being I chose Capt. Christopher Pike from the original Star Trek series as my alias.
The short story is this, being the original Capt. of the Enterprise he was grievously injured on an away mission leaving him paralyzed, confined to his chair and only able to communicate through a neural interface to his chair. One beep for yes, two beeps for no...
I found this parallel to my illness to be rather iconic and for me a bit humorous/hopeful… as Capt. Pike's situation is somewhat similar to the endgame for ALS. However, like any good starship captain. He gets the girl in the end and is (sort of) return to full health :)
You can read about Christopher Pike on the wiki to find out more about his original role in series or you can watch the two-part episode here... Enjoy!
Star Trek: - The Menagerie - Part 2
little geeky at heart and watch and keep a bit of anonymity for the time being I chose Capt. Christopher Pike from the original Star Trek series as my alias.
The short story is this, being the original Capt. of the Enterprise he was grievously injured on an away mission leaving him paralyzed, confined to his chair and only able to communicate through a neural interface to his chair. One beep for yes, two beeps for no...
I found this parallel to my illness to be rather iconic and for me a bit humorous/hopeful… as Capt. Pike's situation is somewhat similar to the endgame for ALS. However, like any good starship captain. He gets the girl in the end and is (sort of) return to full health :)
You can read about Christopher Pike on the wiki to find out more about his original role in series or you can watch the two-part episode here... Enjoy!
Star Trek: - The Menagerie - Part 1
Star Trek: - The Menagerie - Part 2
Nice and informative blog..